Sunday, May 20, 2007

Seven Eye Conditions that Lasik Helps to Correct

Some of the greatest points about eye surgery.

Reading is a good habit that has to be cultivated. And reading

about eye surgery is something that will help in cultivating the
reading habit.

The information available on eye surgery is infinite. There just

seems to be so much to learn about, and to write about on eye
surgery. It was at the spur of the moment that we ventured to
write something about eye surgery. Such is the amount of matter
that is available on eye surgery.

Seven Eye Conditions that Lasik Helps to Correct
Improved vision is not the only reason why many people turn

to Lasik vision correction. It is true that Lasik has become popular
for those who rely on corrective lenses everyday. But the Lasik
procedure can also help correct or improve other eye conditions.
Lasik vision correction surgery uses the latest in laser technology
to help treat several kinds of eye problems and disease.

Lasik surgery is designed to help improve the eyesight in patients

with low to moderate vision problems. Those with more severe
vision problems can also benefit from Lasik technology. While most
patients experience improved vision and never had a need for glasses
or contacts again, others may still need to use a prescription. For those
suffering from more severe forms of eye conditions, Lasik may be
recommended. There are many forms of Lasik surgery and an eye care
professional will help determine which one is right for the condition of
the patient.

The Lasik procedure has become very popular for treating eye diseases

such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and
presbyopia. In addition the Lasik surgery can help those with astigmatism
and myopia and hyperopia, which are all three common forms of eye

Myopia and Hyperopia: These conditions are more commonly known
as farsightedness and nearsightedness. Myopia is caused by an irregular
shaped cornea. This will cause light rays to focus in the front of the retina,
rather than on the retina. Those who are nearsighted will have good close-up
vision, but objects at a distance will be difficult to see. Hyperopia is the
opposite. Light will focus behind the retina. Those who are farsighted,
can see objects at a distance, but not close-up. These two conditions are
the most common reasons why patients choose to have a Lasik procedure.

Lasik surgery is very beneficial to patients with myopia and hyperopia.

Astigmatism: Astigmatism is a very common form of visual impairment.

This condition is caused when the eye is shaped more like an oval or
football shaped. The odd shape of the eye causes the light to focus on two
points of the retina instead of just one. Usually, those with astigmatism are
either nearsighted or farsighted as well. When Lasik is done on patients with
astigmatism, both problems can be corrected in one surgery.

If there is the slightest possibility of you not getting to understand the

matter that is written here on eye surgery, we have some advice to be
given. We have actually followed a certain pattern while writing on eye
surgery. We have used simple words and sentences to facilitate easy
understanding for the reader. We were rather indecisive on where to
stop in our writings of eye surgery. We just went on writing and writing
to give a long article.

Presbyopia: This common condition is normally cause by natural

aging. Presbyopia causes problems with focusing on objects close-up.
Usually patients that experience this difficulty are between the ages
of forty and fifty years of age. Often, this problem can be improved by
monovision, intraocular lens implants and Lasik.

Glaucoma: This common eye disease is usually characterized by

elevated pressure in the eye that causes damage to the optic nerve.
Laser glaucoma surgery can be performed using three different
techniques. These are all performed with a laser and help either
increase or decrease the pressure of fluid in the eye. The type of
glaucoma treatment a patient receives will depend on the severity
of the condition.

The more you read about eye surgery, the more you get to understand

the meaning of it. So if you read this article and other related articles,
you are sure to get the required amount of matter for yourself.

Macular Degeneration: Macular degeneration is an eye disease that

is caused by abnormal blood vessel growth in the eye. This can result in
serious vision loss if left untreated. If this disease is caught in the very
early staged, it can be treated with laser vision correction surgery. While
treatments do not reverse damage cause by the disease, it will prevent
further vision loss. With laser surgery, the laser is used to destroy new
blood vessels within the eye. Laser surgery is a very popular way to help
prevent macular degeneration from causing further vision loss.

Diabetic Retinopathy: This eye disease is a degenerative eye disease

caused by damage to blood vessels and abnormal vessel growth. Those
with diabetes are the ones that suffer from this eye disease. Those with
diabetes should always maintain good diabetic care to help prevent this
type of eye disease. Laser surgery can be used to seal the retina from
further damage that can lead to retina detachment. This kind of surgery
is performed under local anesthesia. For patients who suffer from these
kinds of eye diseases, Lasik vision correction surgery can help stop further
damage to the eye. For more serious eye conditions such as macular
degeneration, Lasik surgery can help patients keep their eyesight without
further vision loss. It is important to discuss health history with an eye
care professional to see which treatment is best for the particular kind of
eye disease.

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