Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Ectropion - the lid margin is everted so that it fails to be in contact
with the surface of the eye. The bulbar and the palpebral conjunctiva
are exposed. The exposed tarsal conjunctiva becomes red, thick,
rough and of unpleasant cosmetic appearance. Eversion of the lower
lacrimal punctum produces epiphora.

Causes may be:
Senile - laxity and lengthening of thelid margin, its ligaments and the
supporting orbicularis.

Skin shrinkage from years of exposure to sunlight.

Scarring of the lower eyelid following trauma, burns, severe inflammation
or neoplastic diseases, or excess removal of skin by surgery.

Bell's palsy - or other paralysis of CVII - loss of support by the paralysed

Plastic surgery

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