Sunday, May 6, 2007


Pterygium - wing shaped plaque of vascular connective tissue
covered by epithelium which extends from the conjunctiva onto
the cornea in the region exposed between the lids (palpebral
aperture). It is usually on the nasal side of the limbus, but it is
never on the upper or lower margins of the cornea. The cause
is exposure to sunlight, aggravated by wind and dust.

- Disfigurement
- Recurrent irritaion or soreness
- Reduction of visual acuity due to astigmatism or corneal opacity.

Reduce sunglare by sunglasses and hats - consistent use will
stop many pterygia from growing. If the pterygium is enlarging
and encroaching on the pupillary area, it should be removed
surgically and followed by Beta radiation therapy.

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