Monday, June 18, 2007

Insertion of Soft Lens - the correct way

1. Wash the hands thoroughly, soft lenses are readily contaminated.
2. Remove the holder of the lenses from the solution in the carrying case, and identify
the lenses for the right and left eye.
3. Lenses that have been soaking in germicide must be washed thoroughly in saline-
not over a basin without a plug.
4. Wipe the right lens off the holder onto the pulp of the index finger of the right hand.
5. Check that the lens is right side out. If it is very floppy, wait about a minute for it
to dry a little.
6. Retract the lower lid with the middle finger (same hand as holding the lens).
7. Looking up, roll the lens onto the lower conjunctiva and express any air,
8. Close the eyelids, then massage the closed upper eyelid to help center the lens.
9. Repeat for left eye.

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