Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Possible Complications of Cataract Surgery

Any surgical procedure is associated with risks to the patient. While the ophthalmologist makes every attempt
to minimise risks, complications can occur that may be permanent effects.

When you are making the decision to have surgery, you may keep in mind that your ophthalmologist cannot
guarantee that the surgery will always be successful or that the surgery bears no risk. The operation and its
outcome might not meet your expectations.

It is not usual for a surgeon to outline every possible side effect or rare complication of a surgical procedure.
However, it is important that you have enough information about possible complications to fully weigh up the
benefits and risks of surgery. If one eye is blind (or has extremely poor vision), you must carefully weigh the
benefits against the risks of cataract surgery on your only "working" eye.

Serious complications following cataract extraction are not common because of the significant surgical advan-
ces in recent years. However, if complications do occur, vision may be impaired or even lost.

Some people with pre-existing syndromes are at greater risk, so be certain to give you ophthalmologist your
complete medical history. Smoking obesity and other significant medical problems can cause great risks of

The following possible complications are listed to inform you and not to alarm you. There may be other com-
plications that are not listed.

  • Infection inside the eye.
  • Bleeding and blood collection within the eye.
  • Excessive inflammation.
  • High pressure within the eye.
  • Retained piece of cataract in the eye.
  • Damage to, or dislocation of, the artificial lens.
  • Detachment of the retina.
  • Drooping eyelid.
  • Swelling and clouding of the cornea.
  • Rarely, blindness and loss of the operated eye. Rarely, the unoperated eye may become inflamed, with

partial or total loss of vision ("sympathetic ophthalmia").

  • Further surgery (for example, removal of the lens implant).

Although most complications resolve following additional treatment and over time, they can affect vision, sometimes permanently.

Signs and Symptoms after Surgery

Be sure to tell your opthalmologist if you have any of the following signs or symptoms:

  • fever more than 38'C
  • chills
  • increasing redness of the eye
  • increasingly blurred or disturbed vision
  • nausea or vomiting
  • excessive coughing
  • pain that is not relieved by non-prescription medications such as paracetamol
  • any other concerns regarding your surgery.

Cloudy Vision after Surgery

Once the natural lens has been removed, a cataract cannot come back. However, in a few patients, vision after surgery may again become cloudy and hazy.

This is due to clouding of the lens capsule behind the intraocular lens. A cloudy capsule can take months or years to develop.

An ophthalmologist can quickly correct the problem. A laser beam is used to create an opening in the cloudy capsule which allows light to pass easily.

This procedure is called a capsulotomy. It is painless and safe, and results can be seen at once.

Complications can occur, but they are rare. If you need a capsulotomy, ask your ophthalmologist to discuss its benefits, risks and limitations.

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