Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Simple Tips for Better Vision

Our eyes are two of our most precious possessions - yet, all too easily, we can take good eyesight for granted. Protect your peepers with these low-effort actions.

EAT FISH twice a week.
Fish are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids - proven to reduce the risk of dry-eye syndrome. If you can't stand fish, try fish-oil supplements.

Always wear GOGGLES
When swimming or doing carpentry. A properly fitting pair of swimming goggles will protect your eyes from chlorine, while carpentry goggles will prevent debris from causing corneal abrasions.

Aim your CAR VENTS down at your feet - not your eyes. Dry, air-conditioned air sucks the moisture out of eyes like a sponge, so aim the vents in your car away from your face. Serious dryness can lead to corneal abrasions and even blindness.

Cook with RED ONIONS, not yellow. Red onions contain more quercetin, an antioxidant that is thought to protect against cataracts.

Put on SUNGLASSES whenever you leave the house. Not only will they block out the harsh glare of the sun, but they'll also protect your eyes from the drying effects of wind.

Have SWEET POTATOES for dinner tonight. Rich in vitamin A, these spuds are especially good at improving your night vision.

Remove EYE MAKE-UP every night. This prevents small pieces of make-up from winding up in your eye and possibly scratching your cornea.

Take a BILBERRY supplement every morning. The berries contain compounds called anthocyanosides, which can help protect the retina against macular degeneration. Bilberry supplements are sold at most pharmacies.

Use a FRESH TOWEL every time you wipe your face. Sharing face towels and washers with others is a guaranteed way to get the highly contagious eye infection called conjunctivitis (pinkeye).

Wear a LARGE HAT or cap along with your sunglasses. A wide-brimmed hat will block roughly 50% of UV radiation and reduce the UV rays that may enter your eyes from above or around the sunnies.

Have SPINACH twice a week. It could be steamed, sauteed in some olive oil with garlic or perhaps in a quiche. It doesn't matter how you get it, just be sure to have it regularly. Studies have shown that lutein, a nutrient abundant in spinach, may prevent age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

When you're WORKING or reading, set your alarm to beep every 30 minutes. Use this as a reminder to look up and away to some distant point for 30 seconds. This helps prevent eye fatigue and eyestrain.

Check your BLOOD PRESSURE every month. You can do this at home with a do-it-yourself monitor cuff. HIgh Blood pressure, if unchecked, can damage vessels in the eye.

Turn down the HEAT in your house. Heat dries out the air which, in turn, dries out your eyes. You might also try adding some humidity with a humidifier or even bunching a lot of plants together in the room where you spend the most time.

Tilt your COMPUTER SCREEN to just below eye level. This will make your eyes close slightly while you're staring down at the monitor, minimising fluid evaporation and dry-eye syndrome.

Replace your MASCARA every three months and other eye make-up once a year. Eye make-up is a great repository for bacteria, which can easily be transferred to your eyes and cause infection.

WALK at least four times a week. Some evidence suggests that regular exercise can reduce the intraocular pressure, or IOP, in people with glaucoma. In one study, glaucoma patients who walked briskly four times per week for 40 minutes lowered their IOP enough so they could stop taking medication for their condition. It's also possible - although there's no proof yet - that walking could also reduce your overall risk of developing glaucoma.

Use HERBS AND SPICES instead of salt. Studies have found that high-salt diets increase your risk of certain types of cataracts, so stay away from the salty stuff. And while you're de-salting your diet, don't forget the salt in processed foods. Check labels for 'no salt' or 'low sodium' tags when buying canned and other prepared foods.

Grey or amber SUNGLASSES?
Answer: Grey.
Grey lenses provide the least color distortion - important when you're driving.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Being obese can result in serious eye conditions, many of them due to diabetes, raised
cholesterol levels or high blood pressure.

Make sure you have regular eye tests, especially if you have diabetes or a family history
of eye problems.